April 8, 2014


Nothing like last minute Easter craft projects. And what the heck, lets make it ambitious like a quilt!  Luckily I've had small strips pieced sitting for years in my stash so some of the work is done and it helps me use up what I have.  I scored some amazing squares in a barter years ago and will use them to make a couple pillows.  We added to the family bed and after seeing what awesome bedding sets cost am of course making it myself.  The flat sheet and fitted sheet I'll cut out of a large, vintage, yellow butterfly and flower sheet I got from goodwill for super cheap.  Hopefully my nesting kicks in and I whip this thing out in a weekend.  Pretty unPC to say nesting is the adderall of pregnancy?  Last time I sanitized the cords behind our media center, wrapped them all taut, and labeled them on the power strip. AFTER super cleaning then reorganizing all the furniture all in one afternoon while super pregnant.

in other news, loving all the color around here lately.

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