December 3, 2011

Because I'm So Mature

Cock flavored soup, Mmmmm, tasty! (Watch for pubes)

Steer clear- it may be contagious!

Just so you remember where your butt is.

Oh yum, what a delicacy!
Sitting in bed drinking chocolate milk awaiting my breakfast of super fat omelets stuffed with cheese and mushrooms.  Perfect!  I've planned a super fun morning before I begin the hours and hours of cleaning in an effort to catch up since I've been so busy.  As donuts have been dancing through my head for days now and I dreamed about them last night, we'll be making a run for some boston kremes before checking out the mexican flea market.  Also in my dream last night was an amazing necklace that I really want to make- I wish I could record dreams and play them back later.  There are so many awesome songs and accessories that I would love to bring into the world that, upon waking, only exist as faint fuzzy memories.

(Cat just inserted a paw with litter stuck on it in my husband's mouth, HAHAHAHAHA!)

The finest tasting poop rocks ever
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