October 22, 2010

Day of the Dead part I

In case anyone wondered what the Mother Mary Machine actually is-
A Marshall full stack with Our Lady of Guadalupe on the screen.  Here is an artist rendition:

This time of year always makes me reminisce about Dia de los Muertos and how much fun it was in Cleveland last year!  There was such a great community festival with a lot of artist involvement.
Here is the entrance to the graveyard where you could leave messages for the dead:

Many artists, myself included, had the honor of creating ofrendas or shrines within the church.  There was such a great variety of interpretation it turned out to be a very spiritual night.

Here is a couple from the parade that went down the street

This was a great, life size Mary

All of these were handmade!

This is part of the shrine that I made.  It was in honor of my grandmother, my cat Chango, and Our lady of Guadalupe.  We built the display and filled it with paintings, drawings, a quilt, and mementos.

The air was filled with incense and music

This was the main altar made by Dante Rodriguez in honor of his abuela.  I love the housecoats and they reminded me of my own grandmother!

Here is another close up of mine:

This is a view at night when the sun was down and all the candles in the room had a magnificent glow.

This is from another artist.  

What a great time!  A shame to be missing it this year, boo.

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