December 17, 2011

My sister brings me all sorts of goodies as she travels around the world and I then deface these national treasures by putting holes in them to make Jewelry, hooray!

I also recently found a secret, favorite spot to photograph my items.  The mix of nature and rustic hardware are a perfect compliment for most of my pieces.  I try to be as original as I can in the designs and even when I take the pics and name them- unfortunately not everyone is so cool.  Some people copy to the point where the pieces, the pictures and even the names are too similar to be coincidence then try to make profit from it.  Everyone should be encouraged to develop their own personal sense of style and let that flourish.     ANYWAY,

I totally lost my shark's teeth and missed having these in the shop.  I bought them in a funny little town in the mountains of NC.  The bullet casing is a rescue.

I found a whole key ring with a bunch of these little guys.  Sometimes I wonder what these used to open...

 Mr Husband helped me take all my pictures and even keep me organizing while doing so!  Isn't this a GREAT idea he came up with?

Assisting in Photographing


Should have worn a bra
I'm getting pretty annoyed with how often commercials refer to buying the perfect gift as being the path to the true meaning of Christmas.  Even non-Christians can agree that family and thankfulness are far more important than a new Lexus and diamond earrings.   I also don't understand why nativity scenes are so controversial but Santa isn't.  If you aren't a believer, then Jesus is just another fictional character and the rest of the gang should be no more offensive than elves and flying reindeer.  I'm not Jewish and have no problem at all with stars of David and menorahs.   In fact, it'd be nice to see more of them around.  People are just getting so sensitive.

It's also really horrible to see another murder-suicide on the news every day.  Not that anyone dying is wanted, but I'd rather these all be just suicides.  I keep reading that I need to stay away from the news while pregnant but it's hard.

Ok, no more bitching!

My friend Christina owns and operates an amazing place where she has a spa, fitness classes (including pole dancing), and a boutique!  I wish I knew of such a cool place here in NC.  Here's a pic of me from when I'd help her out:

I've been getting bigger so I'm glad I have some pics to look at to remember all this bloat will one day go away.

Ok, enough random babbling- time to clean clean clean!

December 8, 2011


I have a million things to do right now!  So I decided to stop reading blogs.... and start posing with my kitties!!  This is my herd:
Chi (Childlike Empress)


Millie (Millennium Falcon)

Falcon (Millennium Falcon)

Sprinkles (adopted her from my sis)

December 3, 2011

Because I'm So Mature

Cock flavored soup, Mmmmm, tasty! (Watch for pubes)

Steer clear- it may be contagious!

Just so you remember where your butt is.

Oh yum, what a delicacy!
Sitting in bed drinking chocolate milk awaiting my breakfast of super fat omelets stuffed with cheese and mushrooms.  Perfect!  I've planned a super fun morning before I begin the hours and hours of cleaning in an effort to catch up since I've been so busy.  As donuts have been dancing through my head for days now and I dreamed about them last night, we'll be making a run for some boston kremes before checking out the mexican flea market.  Also in my dream last night was an amazing necklace that I really want to make- I wish I could record dreams and play them back later.  There are so many awesome songs and accessories that I would love to bring into the world that, upon waking, only exist as faint fuzzy memories.

(Cat just inserted a paw with litter stuck on it in my husband's mouth, HAHAHAHAHA!)

The finest tasting poop rocks ever

November 26, 2011

A quick update...

I just worked black friday, immersed in the mass consumerism that has wrongly become the focus of Christmas as people scramble for the deals that, honestly, pop up at least once a month at the mall ANYWAY.  And though I wake up in less than 7 hours for another round of mall merriment and my neck and head are aching- I just had to stop in and update.  There was one purchase I DID make- a 5 foot long, furry, cheetah print pillow for just 10 bucks.  So cuddly.  I think it will be my pregnancy pillow.  And in the spirit of not acquiring too much I forced one of my old ones on my sister who could actually use one.

Saturday's show was GREAT!  And best of all I am now prepared to do any shows that may come up:
 My husband was a pretty big help assuming the role of Art Bitch and taking on all heavily lifting as well as procuring some amazing empenadas for nourishment.   And my friend brought a special delivery of lasagna, donuts, and cider!  Oh yeah....    When not running around for me, he sat patiently reading his book:

I've also recently realized this may not all be due to constipation (see pic below); somewhere in that squishy mass is a baby the size of a prune (which i've been downing at rates rivaling the consumption at your local senior home)

Now that my inventory is up and the show is over, I've been working on putting all those wonderful items I made online!  Here's a few pics.  I've really got to get to bed now.  Feeling crappy and sort of heartburny.

Upcycled Vintage Jewelry with Freshwater Pearl

Upcycled Bullet Casing Earrings

Traveler's Companion

Awesome Exotic Hood

November 12, 2011

Designers Downtown Market

This Saturday I'll be set up to vend at a show downtown and it happens to be the same day as the Christmas Parade!

November 10, 2011

I know it's too early to announce anything, but whatever

So apparently, this pinto bean-sized fellow is chilling out in my uterus which should be about the size of a grapefruit by now:
8 week old internet fetus
I've already devoured so many books and of course spent tons of hours on blogs throughout internet land.  
I've found Google to be my best friend:
wearing nail polish while pregnant
yoga poses not to do while pregnant
how much does labor really hurt (32x)
how big will your boobs get while pregnant (aw yeah!)
morning sickness cures

There is a lot of excitement but also a few, small, personal tortures.   Not being able to scoop cat litter?!  I have FIVE indoor cats and Mount Cat Shit has proven to be a far more arduous endeavor than my poor husband anticipated.  On the rare day I'm home and one of those monsters makes a deposit in the poop bank, I have to go upstairs to escape the horrible smell as I now have a super human nose.

Speaking of torture and poop- I've been craving protein and fruits which is awesome, and yet so very not awesome when I have an 8 hour shift and work in a high end fashion store with other ladies.  Once a day I announce suddenly that I'm going to take a "5-10 minute walk around the mall" for no particular reason and rather than pull that twice a day I later warn coworkers "If you're gonna have to pee any time soon, you'd better go now. Because I'm about to poop!"  Luckily our bathroom is well stocked and as I sit there I preemptively febreeze myself then lysol afterward.  I do prefer the mall toilets as they are far away and somewhat more private but whatever.

I also fart in the dressing rooms.  Take that, rich ladies!

Everyone around me is pretty happy as they gush over my belly and unknowingly pat what is actually probably just a super full colon as I've been eating A TON.  The only "bad"thing I've been eating a lot of is ambrosia salad and chocolate ice cream with cherries, whipped cream, and caramel sauce.  Mmmmmm, actually I think it's about time for my nightly bowl.
yeah, i gotta go now

October 13, 2011

A long day of chores ahead...

I did end up making the Chicken Enchilada Recipe from my last post and it was VERY good.  I think I've heard somewhere that tomatoes in a can become tainted because the citric acid leeches impurities from the metal.  So I used two Roma tomatoes (bought three, oh well) and a jalaepƱo as a replacement.  I guess pesticides aren't much better but at least i get a chance to scrub at those suckers.

And here is a shot of the fabulous soup!  I wanted more of the enchilada sauce so I just added the ingredients I had on hand like chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, red pepper, and onion powder.  Also  did not use the crock pot because I attended an impromptu picnic in the park followed by a session of thrifting.  Cooking on the skillet then putting it into a pot works just fine.  It kind of looks like you work at a fake puke factory but try not to focus on it.

 And I finally started making some winter neck warmers again!  My stash is really low and I'm going to try and make something everyday to try and build up for the holiday inventory.

October 7, 2011

Soup is my FAVORITE.

I have a long to-do list but though now would be a perfect time to get in some morning yoga and start laundry, how could i disturb this beautiful relaxing, purring kitten nestled underneath my arm with her head on my chest?

On that list, is making the Chicken Enchilada Soup recipe I found online yesterday:

photo from so tasty so yummy
I've made a Fall To Do list which includes activities such as making caramel/marshmallow swirl apples, cut-out colored leaf garlands, and a grand list of soups.  I'll be cooking some of them for the first time this year like the above, split pea, italian wedding soup, and barley & mushroom.

Earlier this week I made a pot roast to celebrate our 40's/50's temps at night and it was amazing!  I filled the pot to the brim with a large chunk of meat, potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots adding all sorts of madness from the spice arena.  Cinnamon, Turmeric- what ever looked interesting.  The next night we (he) toasted a loaf of Everything (poppy seeds, onion, sesame seeds, etc) french bread, slit it lengthwise and into portions, loaded on the roast beef while pouring a bowl of the soupy part sans veggies for a Roast Beef Sandwich au jus.  And there was mayonnaise and mozzarella! And then big bowls of praline carmel swirl ice cream.  So you see the importance of being on par with the exercising.  

(loud purring just switched to a deep sigh as kitty goes night night)

I feel like thrifting, but oh! so many household tasks await!  Plus, I need to post the cowls I've been making before spring comes.

October 6, 2011

Productive Fall Day

After a super busy early-fall, I finally stopped procrastinating and went up to the studio to make some pieces (even did some yoga!).  I put together some awesome necklaces using vintage bits and had a GREAT time digging around in my treasures.
Vintage Feminine Charms
 I then spent hours working on the balcony.  My tomato plants (sadly fruit-less) were the first to perish in my fall clean up spree.  I ripped those babies right outta the dirt with disregard to that thick, green, struggling stalk and a few promising blooms.  It's October, guys, give it up.  I cut down the basil and started harvesting seeds, and caught a mold situation early on.  I'm recycling the old dirt with roots and other goodness for composting.  Anyway, I swept, dug, tugged, and spider-checked all afternoon so I'd have a nice backdrop for photo taking as my goal was to post an item on etsy.

Star Wars Day of the Dead

art over the couch

husband wearing a handmade leather cuff

 I'm excited for the fall and to wear my new "cool weather" boots, but I did have a fun time over the summer and celebrated its departure with a trip with friends to an NC island:

August 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME and Happy 5 yr anniversary!

Golly day it's been a busy and super fun week!   Dinners, presents (handmade!!), crafting, drinks, hugs, AND my husband's band Gringo played Saturday night, whew!

I have photos but the festivities must go on as today is the culmination of our 7 day celebration and I have yet to shower.

August 5th 2006
I love this photo of us- it's been such a wonderful experience to grow with another person and through that gain patience and a deeper understanding of a loved one and ultimately yourself.

Now here's me just being pretty:
Birthday Girl!

August 2, 2011

Happy Birthday!

I spent my first half hour of the day, fueled by a coconut iced coffee, making this happy birthday bunting.  As the place is already pretty festive with a giant piƱata hanging from the vaulted ceiling and tons of strands of christmas lights, i made a simple hanging to inform everyone of this grandeur occasion.  Maybe we'll even get some strangers leaving gifts of 6-packs at our door.

I didnt have construction paper but was able to wrangle a random blue sheet of cardstock

Today my husband turns 38 yrs old; in two days we celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, and two days after that is MY birthday.  We're kicking off the 7 day extravaganza with an afternoon crafting each other's cards and gifts.   I've already got the best idea for a pop-up card and made some sketches last night!

I love the way he looks in my jewelry:

June 13, 2011

Weekend Fun with my Crafty Sisters- Cleveland Style!

For a good time, call Cleveland AA!  
Soon after arriving in my favorite neighborhood of Tremont (and taking a small wine break), we walked over to Lincoln Park to hula hoop and watch some fire dancing.  There was a good sized group and all were welcome to join in. 

 Faith, of Rockstar Rehab Clothing, teaches hula hooping at Cleveland School of Exotic Dance and also performs.

Mind you, as all this was going on I was just standing there lazily swinging my hips round the hoop as keeping it up was the extent of my ability.  Though I'm excited to see what the scene is here in Raleigh.

As dusk fell, you could feel the heat of these torches.  

There was also the gifting of handmade goodies!  Like this bullet casing necklace made with a personal memento for K.t.:

With wine in hand we trekked all my favorite paths through the neighborhood- stopping in vintage stores, cafes, plucking mint from yards, and making great aerobic use of this jungle gym.  And all the while looking so fabulous I got called a princess at Target by little kids.  Thanks, Maxi Dress, because despite unshaved legs and wine stained shoes you still present me so well.

And nothing gives me a kick in my crafty ass like visiting Faith's studio which always makes me ask myself, what are you doing with yourself?!?!

Girl is so hooked up!  In the week that I've been back I have definitely benefitted from this renewed fervor by organizing (not all the way) my own crafty spot and looking for some shows to do.  This the season of the craft fair, after all.

We left her place on foot and stopped off at an Asian Market where we gathered a feast fit for a random, city picnic on an abandoned loading dock.  Delicious!  

And of course there was then the Red Giant 20th Anniversary Show!  

So now I'm back with all these wonderful photos to remind me of my amazing art family in Cleveland.

...and that will also tempt me to move back.  Every day here is a virtual paradise, though, and I'm determined to keep up with making things and I've met some pretty awesome ladies.  What price can I really put on the fact that last winter was the first in YEARS that I wasnt so cold and wet all the time- cursing the white devil.   Snow is nice, but not 5 months in a row.  And I just love Sweet Tea.

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