October 13, 2011

A long day of chores ahead...

I did end up making the Chicken Enchilada Recipe from my last post and it was VERY good.  I think I've heard somewhere that tomatoes in a can become tainted because the citric acid leeches impurities from the metal.  So I used two Roma tomatoes (bought three, oh well) and a jalaepño as a replacement.  I guess pesticides aren't much better but at least i get a chance to scrub at those suckers.

And here is a shot of the fabulous soup!  I wanted more of the enchilada sauce so I just added the ingredients I had on hand like chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, red pepper, and onion powder.  Also  did not use the crock pot because I attended an impromptu picnic in the park followed by a session of thrifting.  Cooking on the skillet then putting it into a pot works just fine.  It kind of looks like you work at a fake puke factory but try not to focus on it.

 And I finally started making some winter neck warmers again!  My stash is really low and I'm going to try and make something everyday to try and build up for the holiday inventory.

October 7, 2011

Soup is my FAVORITE.

I have a long to-do list but though now would be a perfect time to get in some morning yoga and start laundry, how could i disturb this beautiful relaxing, purring kitten nestled underneath my arm with her head on my chest?

On that list, is making the Chicken Enchilada Soup recipe I found online yesterday:

photo from so tasty so yummy
I've made a Fall To Do list which includes activities such as making caramel/marshmallow swirl apples, cut-out colored leaf garlands, and a grand list of soups.  I'll be cooking some of them for the first time this year like the above, split pea, italian wedding soup, and barley & mushroom.

Earlier this week I made a pot roast to celebrate our 40's/50's temps at night and it was amazing!  I filled the pot to the brim with a large chunk of meat, potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots adding all sorts of madness from the spice arena.  Cinnamon, Turmeric- what ever looked interesting.  The next night we (he) toasted a loaf of Everything (poppy seeds, onion, sesame seeds, etc) french bread, slit it lengthwise and into portions, loaded on the roast beef while pouring a bowl of the soupy part sans veggies for a Roast Beef Sandwich au jus.  And there was mayonnaise and mozzarella! And then big bowls of praline carmel swirl ice cream.  So you see the importance of being on par with the exercising.  

(loud purring just switched to a deep sigh as kitty goes night night)

I feel like thrifting, but oh! so many household tasks await!  Plus, I need to post the cowls I've been making before spring comes.

October 6, 2011

Productive Fall Day

After a super busy early-fall, I finally stopped procrastinating and went up to the studio to make some pieces (even did some yoga!).  I put together some awesome necklaces using vintage bits and had a GREAT time digging around in my treasures.
Vintage Feminine Charms
 I then spent hours working on the balcony.  My tomato plants (sadly fruit-less) were the first to perish in my fall clean up spree.  I ripped those babies right outta the dirt with disregard to that thick, green, struggling stalk and a few promising blooms.  It's October, guys, give it up.  I cut down the basil and started harvesting seeds, and caught a mold situation early on.  I'm recycling the old dirt with roots and other goodness for composting.  Anyway, I swept, dug, tugged, and spider-checked all afternoon so I'd have a nice backdrop for photo taking as my goal was to post an item on etsy.

Star Wars Day of the Dead

art over the couch

husband wearing a handmade leather cuff

 I'm excited for the fall and to wear my new "cool weather" boots, but I did have a fun time over the summer and celebrated its departure with a trip with friends to an NC island:

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