February 18, 2010

Cut, Cut, Chop, Chop!

I found this image of thinly sliced tofu on http://veganyumyum.com/ but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.  When I was in Boston, K.t. bought a ready made vegetarian meal that featured tofu so thin it was like sheets of paper!  The textures were amazing and it really allows the flavors to get in there.  I've found a lot of hints for slicing, but none with the result I'm after.

I've also been experimenting with the art of Bangs.  My inspiration is Emma Stone from Zombieland:

I've been thinking about it for a long time and recently invested in some shears.  My only fear was looking like I was three again:

In the end, I was happy with the result although I must stress that bangs should be cut dry.  You really cant account for how much hair "shortens" when it dries; especially wavy hair.  I'm thinking that with a week's worth of growth, and a quick trim I'll be extremely happy with them.

A bit of cleaning then right back to where I left off at 2am;  making gardening aprons using my great-grandmother from Mexico's pattern.  I'd have pics but I was so inspired that I kept working til I was tired and mentally drained from so much inspiration.
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