February 28, 2010

Mutated Antlers, Horseback Riding

Once again, a piece I don't want to part with.  As much jewelry as I make I rarely actually ever wear it;  I'm a hoarder.  I just want to own it though it will get minimal use.  If they were all out and readily accessible maybe they would get chosen as I quickly grab an outfit to get ready for whatever it is I'm late for.  Lately I've been using deer antlers to hang the husband's necklaces from (he's always fabulously accessorized) but I'd need a horrendously mutated deer to produce antlers with enough hangys for the number of necklaces I own. 

So if there are any mad scientists willing to take on this project, e-mail me.  Otherwise I may try and plaster one up myself.  

Laundromats are always super fun.  In Cleveland you could (not legally) buy a 40 next door and enjoy it while waiting for your 7 loads to finish.  Here, there's horseback riding!!

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