July 11, 2010

Purse Photoshoot

Had some stuff made but I really dragged my feet on getting it online.  Been busy and and procrastinating.  Lost a bit of my inspiration and motivation.  Finally last week I went "downtown" (on my usual tuesday excursion) and brought a suitcase of crafty items with me.  After grabbing my beloved iced chai and walking a couple blocks I spotted the most prefect rusty building.

I've been looking online and see some awesome upcoming art events but everything happens on weekends which are perpetually unavailable.
here's my lovely afro lady:

I burned on top of my sunburn for 4th of July weekend and this week it has turned into tan.  This is the darkest I've been in YEARS AND YEARS.  Normally I'm super sensitive to sun and really limit exposure (plus I lived in Cleveland- the "where the sun don't shine" of the US in more ways than one, heh heh).  But damn if this state ain't so sunny I went 4 shades darker in less than two weeks.

Here I am with yet another bag I'm gonna miss so badly:

I'm reaching for those dreams!  But only half heartedly and with a firm grasp on my bag, cause one cannot arrive at the top to find they are horrendously unaccessorized.

A darling choice of bag for shopping with your friends or hanging outside random buildings.  Vogue.

Where'd I put those darn tampons?

I'm feeling awfully faint from the heat.  I'm fetchin for my vapors.

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